As Autumn approaches, I am reminded how quickly all the family Holidays will be upon us. As I think about those shared times and memories, I can't help but think of all those who have lost loved ones this past year. Some, many in fact, are the wives, husbands, children and mothers and fathers whose loved one has paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our Country. My heart aches for all of them.
I remember a Christmas as a young wife of a serviceman. I had a two month old baby girl and a sixteen month old baby boy. I sat under the Christmas tree that year with my two babies, not knowing whether or not my husband of less than three years would return home safely. It was a very lonely feeling. I was one of the lucky ones, however, and my husband did come home. While I felt relief for us, my heart ached for all of those who were not so fortunate.
Many years later, as my son was serving in Saudi, I was horrified when I heard about the bombing of a new barracks in the location where he was stationed. I was frantic with worry for his safety until he contacted me and told me he was safe. Again, I felt that wonderful relief that he was alive and well, immediately followed by tears of sadness for all of those who did not receive that same comforting news that night.
As the holiday approach, we all need to be thankful for the health and well being of our loved ones. We all need to pray for those who have lost loved ones this year, whether in war, accident or illness. Time passes ever so quickly, and we really don't know what tomorrow will bring...pray for Peace. Peace in the hearts of those who are alone, Peace in the World, in our Country and in our neighborhoods.
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