Like many of you out there, I have battled with my weight for so many years I have lost count. I have clothes in every size under the heavens, and I am sick and tired of "growing out of" those things I love!
So, May 22nd 2011 I began a new program in an effort to finally and once and for all get rid of the weight and keep it off. Believe me, I have tried everything from Weight Watchers (which works as long as you NEVER go off the program) to HCG shots and everything in between. All of them worked to a degree, but only a real lifestyle change is going to make the weight go away and stay away.
Finally, I seem to have landed on a life changing program which is sensible, easy to follow and really will be a change of habits for me. It is called THE SEVENTEEN DAY DIET by Dr. Mike Moreno. Now, as an RN, I have seen many doctors recommend diets, and their knowledge of nutrition is less than stellar. They just didn't focus on that much in Medical School. Dr. Moreno seems to have done the research however, and I immediately found his book and diet plan intriguing.
As I said above, I started on the plan on May 22nd. I lost nearly 20 pounds in the first seventeen days! The hardest time period of the diet. I made up my mind before I started that I could do ANYTHING for 17 days. I have continued to follow the next cycle and have now lost a total of 35 pounds, feel great, and am getting into some of those great clothes I love. My skin is looking great, and everything in my body just seems to be working better. I have only had to do about 17 minutes a day of exercise to get this far. I will be stating back to water aerobics as soon as the temperature drops a bit, and I am sure that this combined with the diet will take care of the next 28 pounds. I want to reach my goal by Thanksgiving. NO, not so I can eat whatever I want. I just need a date to focus on and that seems reasonable.
I have a picture of me when I was at the weight I like to be...I look at it every day, and when I reach my goal in November, I will take another and post it for all to see. Do you need to lose a little or a lot of weight? Then perhaps you should check out THE 17 DAY DIET!! It works.
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