Sunday, September 10, 2017

America In Crisis

Good Sunday Morning! As we watch the SECOND major hurricane hit our Country in less than a month, I am struck watching Americans face these crises with hope and courage. We are NOT Republicans or Democrats facing this horror, we are AMERICANS! We MUST once and for all put away the issues and individuals who would choose to DIVIDE us and come TOGETHER to build an AMERICA FOR ALL! One America built on the foundations laid out by our Forefathers. One America where EVERY child has an opportunity for education and success! One America where NO CHILD goes hungry. Whether white, black or brown, whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or agnostic we must WORK TOGETHER for the common good of ALL or find ourselves divided and dying like so many civilizations before us. It is TIME to STOP the name calling and hateful rhetoric and find a MORAL COMPASS for the good of America and all mankind!

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