Friday, October 26, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

Home is where the heart is...and my heart is definitely on the Island, Okaloosa Island that is!

The people who live in this area of Destin/Fort Walton Beach always just refer to it as "the Island."  When I give them my address, they always say, "Oh, you live on the Island?"  I am thrilled to be able to answer yes!

Okaloosa Island is definitely one of the most peaceful, calm and beautiful places I have ever been.  With all the fighting and bickering going on over the Election, it has been nice to come here and forget all about it.
I voted early, before I left Macon so I didn't have to think about it any more.

I have, instead, made time in my busy days here to enjoy every single sunset and every single sunrise!  Each one is amazingly different.

I have been on my patio every evening watching peacefully as the day turns to night and the stars appear so brightly above the endlessly pounding surf. 

I have not missed a single sunrise here either, as they each offer something different as well.

This morning was a particularly enjoyable one.  I made my coffee and settled on the patio to watch as the sun rose on a particularly calm morning. I've always found it interesting how quickly the moods of the sea can change.  This morning, it was nearly flat, and all the wildlife seemed to be taking advantage of the mellow mood of the Gulf today. 

As the sun began to peak on the horizon, a large grey crane came to sit along the edge of the surf and enjoy watching.  He sat perfectly still, posing as still as a statue as he watched the approaching day.  He was soon joined by the cacaphony of Sea Gulls searching the surface for breakfast.  Tiny little Sandpipers ran along the shores edge, occasionally stopping to shove their bills into the wet sand.  As the sun rose a little higher, you could see the swirling water as large schools of fish were feeding near the shore, and right on their heels came the dolphins!  The pelicans formed a floatilla nearby waiting for any fish the dolphins might miss.  Occasionally one of the group would leave the surface, soar upward and then dive for a fish! Splash!  So much beautiful wildlife in full display of the patio.  Amazing.

A little later, as the sun came up, two surf fishermen came to cast their lures into the Gulf.  I watched as one of them caught a couple of good sized fish!  Everyone was hungry this morning!  The beach boy would soon be out (usually about 8 AM) to start setting up the umbrellas and chairs for the day.  Then there would be squealing children playing in the surf and the quiet would be over for a while!

As the day moved on, and progresses toward evening, I look forward to another magnificent sunset. 

I have had a busy day of painting, touching up, shopping and just getting ready for the next busy season which will be here before you know it.  But, believe me, about six this evening I will be sitting on the patio once again with my little Buddy beside me, enjoying the sun as it slips once again below the Western horizon.  Another glorious day at home on the Island.

I have two more weeks here before heading back to Macon for a week.  Then I will be returning with my family for Thanksgiving.  I have much to be thankful for, including my place of peace here on the Island.  After Thanksgiving, Melanie and I will be heading for the Far East.  We will begin on December 3rd heading for Shanghai and from there on to Thailand!  It should be an amazing journey, and I am so looking forward to spending time with Melanie, Charles, Jon and Lilac in China and then in Thailand. 

I should have much to talk about!  But my heart will always remain on the home ... Okaloosa!

GOD BLESS - Peace, Love and Joy

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