Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Though None Go With Me...Still

Life certainly can be full of challenges at times.  With our recent transfer to the West, there have been many challenges.

It is never easy to re-locate...moving across Country is an arduous task and finding a new place to live, well that can get interesting too.

When you make that kind of move you leave behind, friends, family and jobs.  You also leave behind your family physician, eye doctor, hairdresser and dentist.  You can't wait long to try and re-establish all these connections with those who have cared for your physical and emotional needs for many years.

Moving to a location where you don't already have friend/family connections means that you are going to have to depend on the new people you meet to refer you to those you will need.  Then there is finding a new spiritual connection.  Whether it is a Church, Temple or other place for you to meet your Creator, this can be a daunting task. 

After a few visits to local house of worship, I have finally found what is a "fit" for me.  It is not the typical place of worship.  There is no tall white steeple reaching into the sky; in fact, it doesn't look like a church at all.  Maybe that is what I found so appealing.  It isn't about the building, or the people, or the way they dress.  It is about the spiritual connection that is critical to human well being.  It is about not looking at the outside or even at the other people, but looking up...and each person must make his/her connection to the spiritual realm.  I am a Christ Follower.  I hesitate to use the work Christian anymore as some have caused that name to leave a bitter taste on the tongue.  Being a Christ Follower means loving Him above all else.  Being a Christ Follower means that you are NOT GOING TO JUDGE others...there is only ONE Judge..the Supreme Judge - the Heavenly Father.  Being a Christ Follower means that I am NOT perfect, that I make mistakes fall short every single day of my life, but that HE gave HIS life so that I might have eternity.  My job is to live the best that I can and to give back whenever I can. 

I have learned again this week that the hardest part of all is sometimes the unwillingness of someone we love to resist this part of our lives....to choose not to share this journey with us.  As I stood in the shower this morning, the strains of an old hymn came back to me and I began to hum them..."I have decided to follow Jesus....I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back - no turning back.  Though NONE GO WITH ME I still will follow, though none go with me I still will follow..though none go with me I still will follow. NO turning back, I'll follow HIM!"

Sometimes the road we choose to follow is a lonely one.  Sometimes it seems almost unbearable, and yet, if we remember to look up...to turn our eyes on Jesus and not on this world...everything falls into place.  It doesn't mean it will be easy...nothing worth having ever is.  It does mean that if you remember to follow Him, He will lift you up, dust you off and give you whatever you need ... not want... need. 

Look UP today and follow HIM!

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