Sunday, April 1, 2012

Thoughts on Palm Sunday

It is a beautiful, sunny and warm morning here in Middle Georgia.  It is also Palm Sunday, one of the holiest days of the year in my opinion.

I can remember hearing the story of Palm Sunday from the time I was in Sunday School in Marbury Maryland.  Believe me, that was a very long time ago.

The picture in my mind of Christ riding on the back of a small donkey with people throwing palm fronds in his pathway is as vivid today as it was then.

I love this time of year.  It is the time of renewal and refreshing.  It is the time when everything is blooming and hope is in the air.  Just like it was then, people were filled with hope of what the man Jesus would do for them.  They did not understand that just a week later he would be in the tomb.  They had no idea that the tomb didn't signal defeat, but victory.

I am thankful for so  much today.  I am thankful for all those Sunday School teachers who imparted the information I needed to make the decision I made so many years ago.  I am thinking today of my friend, Betty Lou, who recently reminded me that we walked the Baptismal Waters on the very same day so many, many years ago.  I am thankful for the opportunity to worship and pray in this Country and hope that that right is never taken away from those who come after me.  I am thankful for four children, all of whom have walked those same Baptismal Waters.  My grandchildren have also been blessed with the opportunity to receive a religious education and to attend the church of their choice.

So, on this beautiful, flower-filled Spring day, I am humbled remembering the sacrifice made so that I could know eternal life....a life more beautiful than I can imagine.  I believe that next Sunday is by far the holiest day of the year.

So, between the Easter dresses, the baskets and bunnies, please be sure to show your children and grandchildren what Easter really means....what it really cost....and the promise that it holds for all who choose to believe.

Happy Easter - God Bless - Peace, Joy and Love

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