Friday, March 25, 2016

Real Estate in Beautiful Utah

Utah has some of the most amazing beauty in the world. There are mountains, lakes, snow, desert, valleys and incredible views everywhere.

I recently became a brand new shiny Realtor!  Whew, at my age studying and taking that test was scary, but fortunately I passed the first time out!  Whew!

But the education doesn't end there.  Now, there are sooooo many new tech things I have to learn.  When I first began selling Real Estate back in the 80's, we were still using cumbersome printed books (which by the way in Orlando were HUGE) and they weren't updated very often.  Searching for a property and then calling only to find out that it was already sold...ugh.

Now I am a member of Better Homes and Gardens Franklin Group here in Ogden.  Better Homes and Gardens has the most amazing tools for us Realtors...really great! The MLS here is also all tech central!  For a gal who learned to type on a manual typewriter, sometimes this can be a bit intimidating! But, I have a wonderful Broker and our Office Assistant is amazing at helping with just about everything.

Real Estate here in Ogden area is really hopping! Houses are selling so fast that we can't list others fast enough!  It's a great problem though! Building is going on everywhere and property values are going up on a daily basis!  Interest rates are still low and not looking like they are going anywhere for at least a while.

This booming market is a new experience for me.  My first license was in Florida and at the time when interest rates skyrocketed! Boy, was that a rough time to be in the business of Real Estate.  Then when I moved to Georgia and got a Real Estate license, the bottom fell out of the market, the bubble burst, and foreclosures and short sales were the norm...not fun either!

So, I am looking forward to this lovely opportunity to sell Real Estate in a time and place where everything seems to be on the upswing!  Hallelujah!

Utah is a great place to live.  The cost of living is low, jobs are plentiful and people here are friendly.  The crime rate is low, there is tons of free stuff to do and it's a great place to raise kids.  So, if you are looking to relocate, look at Utah!

God Bless!


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